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Modern and Stylish City Bikes for Everyone

Travelling by bike is great for your health and great for the environment and is probably the best form of transport in today’s modern cities. A handmade city bike is the “accessory” and means of transportation you didn’t know you needed.

Fidusa is a company with over 30 years experience of building world-class, handmade bicycles. Fill in the inquiry form to receive details of how you can order your tailor-made city bike, which will make you realize that cycling is a great way to move about and keep fit at the same time.

In fact, by using a bicycle for commuting and your short daily trips, you offer a breath of fresh air to your city and the environment. The huge queues of vehicles on the roads not only make it difficult to move around in the cities but also add to the already serious climate crisis prevailing worldwide. Set a good example, and move gracefully and comfortably through your city by bicycle.

Why choose a Fidusa handmade city bike?

Fidusa’s handcrafted city bikes are the perfect choice for anyone who loves or wants to love exercise and cycling. The fact that Fidusa builds it’s bike frames from scratch depending on a rider’s physiology and specific needs means that the end result will probably be  the most comfortable bike that person has ever ridden.

The personalization of the city bike does not stop there. You have the possibility to configure the bike based on your own taste and aesthetics, choosing the colours and designs you like. Thus, you will be able to pedal through the streets of your city with a bike unique to you.